Monday, January 5, 2009

30 minute swim - 1/4

Today I ventured into the pool, anxious to try out my new waterproof headset and iPod Shuffle. Normally, I'm the kind of person that can zone out when exercising as long as I'm moving and there is scenary going by. However, when I get on a treadmill or go in the Endless Pool, I've found I need some help to go beyond about 20 minutes.

The music definately helped out quite a bit - but it became pretty clear that rock music isn't the most ideal. While it can definately fire you up and get the adrenaline going - the beat isn't quite right. I've heard people say that certain types of techno is good for cardio workouts, because the rhythm just works for it. I'm not normally a big fan of techno music - but in this case it may be that the attributes which make me not like it end up being the exact reason why it would work for this application. I'll have to check that out.

Since I was more concerned with checking the viability of the headphones, I didn't worry too much about consistency on the pools power setting. It generally was around 40-50 - about average for what I have been doing.

Total Time: 28:18
Avg HR: 152

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