Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 52 - P90X Back & Biceps - 12/28/2011

Writing this a day late.  In fact, I got a few posts to write up tonight.  I'll be in front of the computer for a while.

Anyhow, this time around on this routine I had gotten a new set of barbells that are easier to switch weights out.  They also came with weights in lb increments, instead of kg's.  So, now that I have four barbells total - all of them adjustable (two quickly adjustable, two are a pain in the ass) - I was able to enhance this workout a bit.  In the past, I had to keep switching between weights that were appropriate for bicep work, and then switch them out for weight appropriate for back work.  This resulted in excess downtime between sets.  However, this time I was able to set one pair of barbells up with heavier weights for back stuff, and one pair of barbells up for biceps.  I ended up going with 16 lbs for biceps - which I figured would be just about right for some things, and maybe a tad light for others (based on previous workouts) - and 14 kg for back stuff.

It turned out that those weights were just about right.  One thing I didn't anticipate was the difference that the extra rest between sets had previously made.  This time around, since the sets occured one after the other with much less rest, it turned out that the slightly lighter-than-expected weights for biceps was just about perfect.

So, overall - some of the numbers are down from last time (like only 6 total chinups, and 2 corn cob pullups towards during the max rep set at the end), but I think the reps and weights from this time around are much closer to what they should be.  It also means that the results are likely going to be more repeatable week to week. 

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