Saturday, November 22, 2008

5 Miles - 11/22

It is getting cold out there!

Today I was once again afflicted with the 'There is only an hour of daylight left - I really wanted to do something like 10 miles, but I can't. Is it even worth going for something shorter?' thought process. However, as I've mentioned in a previous post, I realized that this thinking was stupid and counterproductive. I'm not training for a marathon yet, afterall!

So I set off on my normal 5 mile loop that I knew I'd be able to finish while it was still light out. The other problem I had to contend with was the cold. In the early-mid fall, temperatures cool off, but you can still be comfortable in running shorts and an athletic shirt (one that wicks away moisture). However, when it drops below about 45 degrees - something else is often needed.

For my birthday this year, Laurie had gotten me a pair of jogging pants to be used in the winter. I had generally resisted acquiring this type of apparel, because in the past, exercise clothes I used in the winter have been noisy and held in too much heat. However, this pair was different - it has multiple layers of soft breathable fabric.

Without a top to match, I had to improvise. I ended up taking a wicking shirt and using a sweat shirt over it. Yeah, the sweat shirt might absorb moisure, but at least the layer that would absorb moisture wouldn't be in direct contact with skin.

Then there was the issue of covering the ole' noggin. When I need a hat in the winter time, I use a rabbit-fur bomber hat. But that would be a bit too much. Fortunately Laurie had a lighter, construction orange hat that would do.

Other then the trial of finding an outfit for winter running - nothing too awful special about this run. After an 8:30 or so warm up mile (which is a bit fast for a warm up for me at this point - but it felt like warm up exertion), I ran the next two miles at about 8 minute miles. Three miles were finished in somewhere around 24:19 or so. At that point, I decided to slow down a bit - without following an actual training plan, and only trying to maintain during the winter - I need to find that careful balance of effort to keep myself motivated.

Total Distance: 5.25 miles
Total Time: 45:17
Avg HR: 164

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